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Pk232TerminalSoftwareDownload: How to Set Up a PK-232 Terminal on Windows PC


Pk232TerminalSoftwareDownload: How to Set Up a PK-232 Terminal on Windows PC

The PK-232 is a versatile multimode terminal controller that can be used for various digital modes on amateur radio, such as packet, RTTY, PACTOR, CW, PSK31 and more. It can be connected to a computer via a serial port or a USB adapter, and controlled by different software programs. In this article, we will show you how to set up a PK-232 terminal on Windows PC using Putty, a free and open source terminal emulator.


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What You Need

  • A PK-232 terminal controller with power supply and cables

  • A radio transceiver with audio and PTT connections to the PK-232

  • A computer running Windows 7 or later with a serial port or a USB-to-serial adapter

  • Putty software downloaded from

Step 1: Connect the PK-232 to the Computer

Connect the PK-232 to the computer using a serial cable or a USB-to-serial adapter. If you are using a USB-to-serial adapter, you may need to install the driver for it first. You can check the device manager to see which COM port is assigned to the PK-232.

Step 2: Configure Putty

Launch Putty and select Serial as the connection type. Enter the COM port number of the PK-232 in the Serial line field. Set the speed to 9600 baud, data bits to 8, parity to none, stop bits to 1 and flow control to none. Click Open to start the terminal session.

Step 3: Communicate with the PK-232

You should see a welcome message from the PK-232 on the Putty window. You can now enter commands to configure and operate the PK-232. For example, you can type HELP to see a list of available commands, or MODEM to see the current modem mode. You can also use Putty to send and receive data from other stations using different digital modes.


The PK-232 is a powerful and flexible device that can enhance your digital communication experience on amateur radio. By using Putty as a terminal software, you can easily set up and control the PK-232 on your Windows PC. You can also explore other software options that are compatible with the PK-232, such as Winlink Express, MixW, HamScope and more.



Step 4: Switch Between Different Modem Modes

The PK-232 can operate in various modem modes, such as packet, RTTY, PACTOR, CW, PSK31 and more. To switch between different modem modes, you can use the MODEM command followed by the mode name. For example, to switch to packet mode, you can type MODEM PACKET. To switch to RTTY mode, you can type MODEM RTTY. You can also use the MODEM command without any arguments to see the current modem mode and its parameters.

Step 5: Adjust the Audio Levels

For optimal performance, you need to adjust the audio levels between the PK-232 and the radio transceiver. The PK-232 has two potentiometers on the front panel that control the audio input and output levels. You can use a voltmeter or an oscilloscope to measure the audio levels, or you can use your ear and a speaker or headphones to listen to the audio quality. You should aim for a clear and distortion-free audio signal that does not overdrive or underdrive the PK-232 or the radio.

Step 6: Enjoy Digital Communication

Once you have set up and configured the PK-232 and Putty, you are ready to enjoy digital communication on amateur radio. You can use Putty to send and receive data from other stations using different digital modes. You can also use other software programs that are compatible with the PK-232 to enhance your digital experience. For example, you can use Winlink Express to send and receive email over radio, MixW to decode multiple digital modes simultaneously, HamScope to display a waterfall spectrum of the received signal and more.

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